Dr. Beth White, is an Education Program Manager with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) STEM Workforce Development unit. Prior to joining ORISE, Beth was an educational development professional and professor. She has a strong background in higher education with 26 years of experience in: teaching, faculty development, grant writing and administration, personnel management, and professional editing. She has authored numerous op-ed and peer reviewed articles as well as various supplemental instructional materials, textbook additions, and federal reports.
As an ORISE project manager, Beth administers appointments for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, inclusive of the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions, and the Homeland Security Professional Opportunities for the Student Workforce to Experience Research Program. Her duties include: training mentors and faculty to work with students and new faculty; management and development of recruitment programs; recruitment and selection of research participants; recruitment and selection of peer reviewers; application administration and processing; expedition of merit and eligibility reviews; oversight of participant activities; delivery of orientation materials to participants and mentors/faculty; provision of project deliverables; and, short term program evaluation reports to customers.